Registration Fee

Please, click here to access the PARTICIPANTS REGISTRATION.

Registration Fee

Registration Fee for the foreign participants is 150€, for accompanying persons - 100€. Students, master students and PhD students are set free of the registration fee.

The Registration Fee partially defrays the expenses of the Conference and includes the transportation from airport or railway station and back, Conference Proceedings, coffee/tea breaks, a participant bag and Conference Dinner.

Accommodation in the hotel and meals are paid by the participants.

Registration Fee should be paid in cash (Euro or equivalent to USD) on arrival during registration.

Additional information for Russian speaking participants can be found here.

Important dates

Paper submission 31.05.2018
Tutorial application submission 20.04.2018
Notification of acceptance 09.07.2018
Camera-ready papers 03.08.2018
PhD Workshop
Paper submission 31.05.2018
Notification of acceptance 09.07.2018
Camera-ready papers 03.08.2018
Satellite Events
Satellite Event submission 15.04.2018
Notification of acceptance 30.04.2018